UN Sustainable Development Goals: Our Approach
Established by the United Nations (UN), the UNFCCC aimed to reduce greenhouse gases to prevent dangerous climate change caused by human activity.
Climate change features heavily in another UN initiative – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which focuses on challenges ranging from clean energy access to poverty reduction and responsible consumption. The 17 inter-linked SDGs make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN’s blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. While progress has been slowed – in part by the pandemic – organizations, have a crucial role in achieving these goals, whether in their CSR targets or to meet legislation. ISO standards can make a real difference for organizations looking to play their part in meeting these goals. Being certified to management systems such as an ISO standard offers numerous benefits for businesses and is an excellent way for an organization to demonstrate fulfilment with legislation. Key areas that can be ISO certified and feature in the SDGs include: - Health and safety - Environmental credentials - Energy efficiency - Health and wellbeing - Economic growth and innovation. We can also certify the chain of custody through other certification schemes for materials, including aluminium and timber.Find related Resources