The certification process depends on the type of certification you need, for example, management systems, chain of custody, responsible sourcing etc.
In all cases, how to achieve certification falls broadly into three simple steps:
Application and review
This includes the completion of a request for quote form which includes details of your business and your certification requirements. Its enables us to accurately define the scale and scope of your certification, provide a quotation and allocate a suitably experienced audit team.
Main evaluation or certification audit
For most types of certification this is a two phase process including at least one on-site audit, a written report on the audit findings and the identification of any non-conformances that need to be addressed.
On completion of the first two stages and the closure of non-conformances, certification is granted, a certificate and certification marks are issued and certification is maintained through a planned programme of audit checks followed by a re-certification audit in the year before certification expires.
If you have any questions on how to achieve certification, please contact us and one of our certification experts will help guide you through the process.
Our Services
BM TRADA’s certification team of engaged experts provide a wide range of certification to services to a diverse range of industry sectors. Gaining and maintaining certification can help your business get better at what it does, lower its costs and win more business. It acts as a ‘passport to trade’. Our experts have a long history and wealth of experience in the industry.
Additional Auditing Services
Find out more about our additional auditing services including GDPR audits.
Chain of Custody
Find out about how FSC™, PEFC, SFI® and Forest Products chain of custody certification provides independently verified reassurance about the source of the timber used.
Management Systems Certification
Find out how UKAS accredited independent management systems certification helps organizations improve quality and productivity, reduce risk and verify compliance.
Membership Schemes Certification
Find out more about the assessment and certification we conduct on behalf of others, either to their own criteria, a particular set of recognised standards or a combination of both.
Sustainable Supply Chain Certification
Find out about sustainable supply chain certification for soy, palm oil, tea, coffee and cocoa which provides evidence of your product’s sustainability.
Related Information
Training Courses
BM TRADA provides a range of training courses. Our training portfolio includes timber, fire, management systems, chain of custody, sustainable supply chain and business training.
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