
Stay Safe with ISO 27001 Certification

Stay Safe with ISO 27001 Certification

Information security has become an area of increased concern over recent years, with the introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules – and fines – in 2018, and more recently, with the dramatic increase in people working from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is leading more businesses to recognize the value of ISO 27001 certification.

While many businesses managed to facilitate remote working quickly and efficiently when lockdown rules were first enforced, safety measures were often neglected. Tele working is now the biggest risk for information breaches, and there has been a significant rise in cyber-attacks on the back of this.
With employees working alone from home, they are much more susceptible to cyber criminals who see this as a perfect opportunity to strike. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) revealed in its Cyber security breaches survey 2020 that, on average, almost half of businesses (46%) report having some kind of cyber security breach or attack in the past 12 months.

With big changes in the way businesses are operating, organizations need to ensure that their systems are secure from top to bottom. After all, information security is only as good as the people who use the system. For those taking security seriously, certification to a management system such as ISO 27001, is the only way to instil change throughout the business and be certain that data and reputation is safe.

About ISO 27001 - Information security management systems 

ISO 27001 is an information security management system (ISMS) applicable to organizations of all sizes, which outlines a framework of policies and procedures to mitigate the risk of a security breach.  

Covering more than just IT and cyber security, the certification provides a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an ISMS. It covers all aspects of an organization’s information risk management process.

Any organization holding high levels of personal data is required to abide by data legislation, such as the GDPR. ISO 27001 certification is one step in the process to legal compliance. For those who hold sensitive personal information, ISO 27001 along with the add-on standard ISO 27701 should be considered – and there has never been a more crucial time.

Becoming certified to ISO 27001 demonstrates that an organization has been assessed at a globally recognized standard and has assessed its risks and incorporated procedures to protect its information. While there is an initial investment of time and money, it is far less than the time, cost and reputational implications that will be incurred because of a preventable breach.

If you would like more information on ISO 27001 certification and its benefits, including details on implementation, advice from an auditor and a business case study (white paper), please complete the form below.  

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