
How management systems certification can help you meet your governance aims

Being certified to management systems such as an ISO standard can have numerous benefits for organizations, but one which is often cited by our clients is being able to meet governance aims.

Certification is an excellent way for an organization to demonstrate fulfilment with legislation. Whether a business needs to prove best practice in health and safety, environmental credentials or information security, the corresponding ISO certification is one step in the process to legal compliance.

Here are some of the management systems that we offer, and how they can help:

ISO 9001 quality management systems certification

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized Quality Management System (QMS) standard and is often a requirement to trade – especially for large organizations that are not open to taking risks on their projects.

The standard requires an organization to identify and follow all statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to its industry, bringing it into compliance with government legislation and regulations. Integrating it with other management systems such as ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management certification reduces the likelihood of on-site accidents and breaches of legislation, combined with improving your organization’s overall performance.

ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management certification

ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systems is the world’s first international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S). It provides a framework to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks and enable organizations to create better, safer working environments.

Businesses are not required by law to implement ISO 45001, but it helps to demonstrate compliance with relevant health and safety laws. It also may be a requirement to tender in certain supply chains and is becoming increasingly popular in the retail sector.

ISO 50001 energy management systems certification

ISO 50001 provides your organization with a framework for better managing your energy usage and improving efficiency of your energy management system. This will lead to a reduction in energy consumption and bills whilst also reducing carbon emissions and meeting government reduction targets.

Achieving certification to this standard will help you meet regulatory and statutory requirements and acts as a means for organizations who qualify for Phase 3 of the UK government’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) to demonstrate energy commitment.   

ISO 27001 - Information security management systems

ISO 27001 is an information security management system (ISMS), which outlines a framework of policies and procedures to mitigate the risk of a security breach, covering all aspects of an organization’s information risk management process.

Any organization holding high levels of personal data are required to abide by data legislation, such as the GDPR. ISO 27001 certification is one step towards legal compliance and should be considered – along with the add-on standard ISO 27701 – by all organizations who hold sensitive personal information.

ISO Management Systems

All of the ISO management system standards incorporate Annex SL, which has been created to provide a universal high-level structure, identical core text, and common terms and definitions for all management system standards. It was designed to make it easier for organizations that have to comply with more than one management system standard which makes integrating easier. 

The benefit of choosing a partner such as BM TRADA is that you will be working with a UKAS accredited certification body whose name is readily accepted by many regulators, purchasers and suppliers around the world, providing you with a passport to trade. If you would like more information about how management system certification can help your business, or to speak with one of our engaged experts, please get in touch.


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