ISO 50001: 2018 energy management systems sets out a framework for establishing procedures, policies and processes related to energy management.

What are the benefits of an energy management system?

It helps an organization meets its energy strategy, requirements and objectives. An effective EnMS will allow full visibility of how energy is being used and areas where performance can be improved. It provides the structure to implement energy saving opportunities. Continual improvement in energy management is therefore achieved. Achieving ISO 50001 can offer significant reputation benefits by demonstrating to an organization’s stakeholders that it is fully committed to managing its energy consumption and seeking ways to increase its energy efficiency. 

What is ESOS Phase 3? 

The government’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment for larger organizations in the UK that meet certain qualification criteria. In essence, the scheme ensures that organisations conduct energy audits across key buildings and operations every four years to identify ways to become more energy efficient. The current phase compliance deadline is 5 December 2023. Understanding energy use forms a part (but not all) of the requirements. 


How can BM TRADA help? 

BM TRADA provides range of energy management systems ISO 50001 training courses. Our portfolio is aimed at Auditors and Internal Auditors and we are a CQI/IRCA Approved Training Partner.

Usually we deliver public courses or at your own premises/venue of your choice. On occasion, we can offer remote learning for some of our training courses.  

Our Capabilities

BM TRADA is a certification body and training provider and does not provide any consultancy during public or private training. 

Although trainers will answer questions and provide information on best practices during the course, they do not provide specific consultancy, nor solutions or advice relating to organization issues.