Safety Schemes In Procurement (SSIP) was founded in May 2009 following the Government report on Accelerating the SME economic engine: through transparent, simple and strategic procurement.

Supported by the HSE SSIP aims to ensure reduction in health and safety assessment costs and bureaucracy in the supply chain, by making cross-recognition between member schemes as effective as possible. In many instances having SSIP membership is a requirement of tenders, so certification acts as a passport to trade. 

SME construction firms experience varying requests for pre-qualifications during the tender process. In many instances, these ask the same or similar questions. These can be cumbersome for a small business to respond to. The HSE Safety Schemes In Procurement SSIP to simplify pre-qualifications by encouraging mutual recognition between its Member Schemes. A supplier list is easily accessible via the SSIP Web Portal This removes some of the duplicate paperwork and enables SMEs to bid for work. The SSIP Portal is free to access and provides an easy way of finding out if a supplier holds valid certification with an SSIP member scheme and confirms compliance with the SSIP Core Criteria. 

BM TRADA is a SSIP Certification Body Member and can provide ISO 45001 + SSIP certification services that meets both UKAS and SSIP requirements. All SSIP assessments are completed utilising the SSIP Core Criteria which is aligned to the Government-backed construction pre-qualification document PAS 91, ensuring consistency within supply chain management. 

A stand-alone ISO 45001 certificate does not meet SSIP requirements and falls outside of the SSIP Scheme.  An organization wishing to hold ISO 45001 + SSIP must first apply for SSIP certification with BM TRADA so that the additional SSIP Scheme requirements are assessed in accordance with the SSIP Health & Safety Core Criteria Checklist including data integration with the SSIP Portal for Deem to Satisfy purposes.

As part of our management systems certification services, we also provide auditing, technical publications and training.