Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)
SFI Inc. is an independent, non-profit organization that is solely responsible for maintaining, overseeing and improving the internationally recognized Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) program.
Across Canada and the United States, more than 365 Million acres (147 Million Hectares) are certified to the SFI forest management standard, the largest single forest standard in the world.
About SFI
The SFI program's unique fiber sourcing requirements promote responsible forest management on all suppliers' lands. SFI chain-of-custody (COC) certification tracks the percentage of fiber from certified forests, certified sourcing and post-consumer recycled content. SFI on-product labels identify both certified sourcing and COC claims to help consumers make responsible purchasing decisions. SFI Inc. is governed by a three-chamber board of directors representing environmental, social and economic sectors equally.
The SFI program was launched in 1994 as one of the U.S. forest sector’s contributions to the vision of sustainable development established by the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Its original principles and implementation guidelines began in 1995, and it evolved as the first SFI national standard backed by third-party audits in 1998.
ANAB accreditation number: 1062
SFI logo license number: SFI-01445
Our Services
Chain of Custody Internal Auditing Training
BM TRADA offers a Chain of Custody internal auditing course will give you a thorough understanding of the principles of chain of custody, the requirements of the standards and the audit process.
FSC™ Chain of Custody Lead Auditor Training
BM TRADA offers an FSC lead auditor course as part of our Chain of Custody suite of training.
Getting started with Chain of custody project certification
Find out about the details for purchasing the Getting started with Chain of custody project certification publication from BM TRADA.
Chain of Custody
Find out about how FSC™, PEFC, SFI® and Forest Products chain of custody certification provides independently verified reassurance about the source of the timber used.
Related Information
Training Courses
BM TRADA provides a range of training courses. Our training portfolio includes timber, fire, management systems, chain of custody, sustainable supply chain and business training.
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Training Terms and Conditions
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Articles and Blogs
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